lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

unidad 3


Ricketsiosis. Presentación de dos casos, en medio de un brote en 
Mexicali, Baja California

Hiram Javier Jaramillo Ramírez, * Moisés Rodríguez **

Se comunican dos casos de pacientes jóvenes con cuadro de fiebre, exantema e insuficiencia orgánica, tratados en Mexicali, Baja California. En ambos se diagnosticó, postmortem, infección por Rickettsia ricketsii; estos fueron dos de varios casos que se presentaron en 
esta comunidad, en medio de un brote de 119 casos probables y 27 confirmados por IFA o PCR. Fallecieron diez pacientes.
Palabras clave: Rickettsia ricketsii, exantema, fiebre en estudio.

Paciente masculino de 22 años de edad, que ingresó a 
urgencias el día 23 de enero de 2009. Negó alcoholismo,tabaquismo, toxicomanías, sin parejas sexuales de riesgo. 
Combe negado. Promiscuidad, con perros y gatos. No 
había tenido enfermedades exantemáticas, operaciones, 
enfermedades alérgicas y tampoco recibió trasfusiones.
El padecimiento actual se inició 10 días previos a su 
ingreso, con ataque al estado general, cefalea global, sin 
factores atenuantes, sin predominio de horario y sin vómitos. No focalización, tratado con antibióticos orales sin que 
hubiera especificado cuáles y amikacina parenteral, además 
de analgésicos. Una semana después se agregó a su malestar 
dolor epigástrico, opresivo, que se irradió a ambos hipocondrios. Anorexia. Acudió a consulta con cuatro médicos 
distintos, quienes lo diagnosticaron con infección de vías 
respiratorias y gastritis. Dos días previos a su ingreso desarrolló ictericia generalizada, motivo por el que fue traído 
al servicio de Urgencias de nuestro hospital.
A su ingreso se encontraba con tensión arterial de 90-30 
mmHg, frecuencia cardiaca de 131 por minuto, frecuencia 
respiratoria de 32 por minuto, temperatura de 37.8 ºC, con 
tinte ictérico generalizado, con exantema maculopapular 
generalizado y petequias, neurológicamente íntegro, sin  
datos de irritación meníngea y sin adenomegalias cervicales. En la exploración cardiopulmonar se encontró 
normal. En el abdomen se encontraron: exantema, dolor 
a la palpación media y superficial de todo el abdomen, sin 
rebote, con hepatomegalia de 9 cm por debajo del borde 
costal, con hepatodinia. Esplenomegalia. No GiordanoEn las extremidades también había exantema. La fuerza, 
la sensibilidad, los pulsos y los reflejos eran normales.
Los exámenes de laboratorio a su ingreso fueron: 
biometría hemática con Hb de 13.5; hematocrito de 41%, 
VGM: 92, HCM: 29, CMHC: 32, leucocitos: 7,600, neutrófilos 76%, linfocitos 2.9%, plaquetas: 23,000. TP de 
16.2/12.6, TTp: 36.7/26, Na: 141, K: 4.4, Cl: 103, glucosa: 
127, BUN: 58, urea: 125, Cr: 2.7, TGO: 156, TGP: 53, 
bilirrubinas totales de 9.03, con 6.04 de la directa, EGO: 
Den: 1.015, pH: 5, albúmina +, Hb: +, leucocitos: 22-24, 
eritrocitos: 7-9, células epiteliales moderadas, cilindros 
granulosos, bacterias abundantes. Virus B, C y VIH negativos. Anti DNA negativo, C3, C4 normales.
La placa de tórax, al igual que la tomografía computada, 
demostró neumonía de focos múltiples. 
Se trató inicialmente con soluciones cristaloides, sin 
respuesta, por lo que se decidió administrarle aminas 
presoras, además de levofloxacino y claritromicina. La 
evolución en Terapia Intensiva fue hacia el deterioro en 
menos de 24 horas, con fiebre persistente, que no disminuyó con la aplicación de paracetamol intravenoso, con 
insuficiencia respiratoria que ameritó ventilación mecánica 
con parámetros altos del ventilador. Se decidió pronación 
para manejo de la insuficiencia respiratoria. Se mostró 
oligúrico, con deterioro progresivo de la función renal. 
Los hemocultivos y urocultivos no tuvieron desarrollo 
bacteriano a las 48 horas.
Cuatro días después de su ingreso tuvo paro cardiaco 
irreversible a maniobras.

Paciente masculino de 19 años de edad, con antecedente 
de tabaquismo de tres  cigarrillos por semana y tres litros 
de cerveza a la semana. El resto de los antecedentes de 
importancia fueron negados. 
Ingresó al servicio de Urgencias de nuestro hospital 
el día 2 de julio de 2009, debido a un cuadro de una semana de evolución con ataque al estado general, fiebre 
no cuantificada, con tratamientos múltiples por parte de 
facultativos y sin mejoría. Previo a su ingreso tuvo ideas 
delirantes, lo que lo motivó acudir al hospital. A su ingreso estaba normotenso, sin fiebre, sin taquicardia, con 
exantema petequial generalizado, con rigidez de nuca,Kerning y Brudzinky presentes, fondo de ojo normal, 
sin afectación de pares craneales, sin alteraciones de las 
funciones corticales generales ni específicas. Babinski 
izquierdo. A la exploración cardiopulmonar y de abdomen 
no se encontraron alteraciones. Hiperreflexia bilateral. 
Trombocitopenia de 49,000. Ante el cuadro febril tuvo 
alteraciones neurológicas, con irritación meníngea. Se 
le administró ceftriaxona a dosis de 2 gramos cada 12 
horas y ampicilina 1 gramo cada cuatro horas; dos horas 
después de su ingreso tuvo estado de choque, que ameritó 
el inicio de aminas presoras, por no responder a volumen. 
No reaccionó al tratamiento. Falleció seis horas después 
de su ingreso. El resultado de PCR positivo para Rickettsia 
ricketsii se recibió postmortem.

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Patent Pending as quickly as next Thursday...
Work with a registered patent agent who...
  • Has written hundreds of patents (see samplesvideo testimonials)
  • Works inexpensively (see prices)
  • Can work quickly if necessary ("patent pending" as fast as one week!)
Common Questions...
 "What are your prices?" Answer...
 "But what about the quality of your patents?"
 "What's the difference between a patent attorney and a patent agent?" Answer...
 "Do you have any references?"
 "What's the difference between a utility patent and a design patent?" Answer...
 "What's the difference between a utility patent and a provisional patent?" Answer...
 "What do you need to get started on a RUSH patent?" Answer...

Patent Search Request
Before you file any patent application, and in particular a utility patent application, it's a good idea to research the prior art patents to see if your idea has already been invented. Not seeing your idea in the market is not enough... plenty of good, patented ideas never make it to the market, for various reasons. You want to avoid the situation where a simple patent search would have found an important prior art patent that ends-up being the primary reason a PTO Examiner rejects your patent application two to three years from now. For the money, we think it makes sense to spend 10% of what you would on a non-provisional utility patent application considering that 80-85% of the time, when conducting a search, we find something pretty close.
And even if we don't find anything close, wouldn't you want to know that too? Patent searches are often done not just to determine patentability of your product, but also to see what the competitive landscape looks like.
So what type of patent search makes sense for you? Most people start with a US patent search and then move to a foreign search if the US search doesn't find anything relevant.

Comparison of Patent Search Products
US Patent Search
Foreign Only Patent Search
Covers U.S. Published Patents and Patent Applications
  • European (Granted & Published Applications)
  • WIPO PCT Publications
  • Japan (Abstracts only, in English)
  • German (Granted & Published Applications)
  • INPADOC (71 world patent signatories)
One week deliveryOne week delivery
Covers US Patents back to the 1700's (keyword searched back to 1971, and from those, reference and class/subclass searched back to 1790)Covers US Patents back to the 1700's and the rest of the world back to 1968
Includes expert opinion of patentability in USIncludes expert opinion of patentability in US

Benefits and Drawbacks of Provisional Patents (vs. Non-Provisional Utility Patents)
Quick and Less Expensive to FileDoes not, by itself, provide any protection
Allows 12 months to perfect the invention designDelays PTO Examination (until regular Utility Application is filed)
Allows inventor to legally claim "Patent Pending"Starts the 1-year timer for most foreign patents
Can be filed with less expensive informal drawingsNot attractive, by itself, to potential licensees

Benefits and Drawbacks of Utility Patents
Strongest protectionExpensive (both preparation and filing fees are considerably more expensive than design patents)
20 year duration (from filing date)Requires three maintenance fees at 3.5, 7.5, and 11.5 years after issuance.
Excellent for protecting how an invention works, regardless of what it looks likeDoes not protect the ornamental appearance of the invention
Less Expensive drawings ($100/sheet vs. $125 with design patents) 

Benefits and Drawbacks of Design Patents
Inexpensive (compared to Utility Patents)Protects "ornamental appearance" only, not "how it works" or utility aspects
Allows you to legally indicated "patent pending" after filedOnly 14 year duration instead of 17-20 years with utility patent
Good for protecting items with ornamental or aesthetic appeal (i.e.., hubcaps, car designs, etc.)Does not protect "how" the invention works
Filing fees less expensive than utility patent
($265 vs. $530)
Drawings more expensive ($125/sheet vs. $100) because they're more detailed
More likely to be granted than utility patents (~95% vs ~40%)

Tratándose de los procedimientos contenciosos de declaración administrativa de nulidad, caducidad, cancelación, e infracción, su sustanciación o tramitación se regirá por la Ley de la Propiedad Industrial, la Ley Federal de Procedimiento Administrativo y por el Código Federal de Procedimientos Civiles.


os La presente Guía del Usuario del Contencioso Administrativo contiene información a manera de preguntas sobre aspectos conceptuales y de procedimiento administrativo que permiten al titular de un derecho contar con los elementos necesarios para iniciar un trámite determinado.


En la segunda sesión 2003 de la Junta de Gobierno del Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial, se discutió el tema de las facultades de conciliación de este Instituto en el contexto de procedimientos de declaración administrativa.


Es el costo por los servicios que presta el Instituto por el estudio y trámite de una solicitud de declaración administrativa de nulidad, caducidad, cancelación e infracción administrativa y por la emisión del dictamen técnico en materia de propiedad industrial, así como por el estudio y trámite de una solicitud de declaración administrativa de infracción de derechos de autor en materia de comercio Los precios que aquí se muestran son en pesos mexicanos y no incluyen IVA.


De acuerdo al programa de "Seguimiento y Atención de Riesgos de Corrupción para Trámites, Servicios, Procesos, Procedimientos", se estipula lo siguiente...


Si usted tiene conocimiento de la comisión de actos que atentan contra los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual y desea denunciarlos, lo puede hacer por esta opción.



Con esté propósito el IMPI ha elaborado una Guía del Usuario de Signos Distintivos, que tiene como propósito difundir entre el público los diversos aspectos relacionados con los trámites administrativos que se deben efectuar para solicitar la protección de los signos distintivos, a través de marcas, avisos y nombres comerciales.


Son las formas oficiales para la presentación de las diversas solicitudes ante el Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial.


La siguiente relación muestra las claves de las promociones (tipo) y la descripción que se utiliza para identificarlas en el Sistema de Marcas mediante un catálogo.


Es el costo por los servicios que presta el Instituto en materia de marcas, avisos y nombres comerciales. Los precios que aquí se muestran son en pesos mexicanos y no incluyen IVA.


Es una clasificación de marcas aceptadas internacionalmente (Clasificación de Niza), la cual se compone de clases que agrupan conjuntos de productos o servicios que guardan una relación entre sí, o que tienen una característica común en función de su utilidad o uso.


Es un sistema que facilita la ubicación de la clase a la que pertenece la marca que se desea registrar.


Este servicio permite consultar información vía Internet de marcas, nombres y avisos comerciales registrados o en trámite.

2.3 Ética de las tecnologías de información.


El Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial es un Organismo público descentralizado con personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propio y con la autoridad legal para administrar el sistema de propiedad industrial en nuestro país


Con el propósito de orientar al público usuario, el IMPI ha elaborado una colección de Guías del Usuario, que tienen como propósito difundir entre el público los diversos aspectos relacionados con los trámites administrativos que se deben efectuar para solicitar la protección de las invenciones a través de la concesión de patentes, modelos de utilidad, diseños industriales, etc.


Es el costo por los servicios que presta el Instituto en materia de patentes, certificado de invención, diseños industriales y esquemas de trazado de circuitos integrados. Los precios que aquí se muestran son en pesos mexicanos y no incluyen IVA.


Sistema de Presentación Electrónica para solicitud PCT.


La Gaceta de la Propiedad Industrial es el órgano de información oficial del Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial mediante el cual se efectúa la publicación legal de los actos de autoridad y se difunde la información derivada de las patentes, registros, declaratorias de notoriedad o fama de marcas, autorizaciones y publicaciones concedidos y de cualesquiera otras referentes a los derechos de propiedad industrial que le confiere el Estado Mexicano en sus artículos 6o. fracción X y 8o. de la Ley de la Propiedad Industrial.

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Cisco 1941W 2-Port Gigabit Wireless N Router (CISCO1941W-A/K9

Yagi Antenna

The Yagi antenna is a directional system. It was invented by Shintaro Uda in 1926. Hidetsugu Yagi assisted with its creation in Sendei, Japan. Now, they are more commonly referred to as beam antennas.
This system was designed for use as a stationary antenna. The rotor enables the user to direct the beam toward the signal they are trying to contact. The Yagi should be mounted as high up in the air as possible. This allows for better transmission and clearer reception.
CB Radios
Before there were cellular phones, people communicated with citizen’s band radios. While on the road, people would use their mobile CB to contact their home base station. The most popular antenna for homes was the Yagi, which was also called a beam.
Yagi Antenna UsesIt was quite the norm to hear “Breaker one oh, breaker one oh. How about it Old Grand Dad?” echoing through someone’s home. This form of communication made life easier as the person on the road could be informed of that forgotten grocery item.
During the times of the gas shortage, CB’s were important tools. Drivers would communicate with others to find out where the shortest gas lines were located. Yes, back then people were waiting in line for several hours just to fill up their fuel tanks. That was if you were fortunate enough to find a gas station that had fuel.
Ham Radios
Ham radio operators use a variety of Yagi style antennas on a daily basis. These antennas are capable of being pointed in whatever direction is necessary for the user to hit the satellite. Because of its ability to act as a beam, this system is widely used by amateur radio enthusiasts.
A lot of people don’t realize that ham operators provide many wonderful services. Years ago, they would communicate with each other and relay messages for people. This was very helpful. During wartime, families would provide the radio operators with messages for their loved ones. The ham would then relay the information to another ham in that country. Eventually, the loved one would get the message. This was a very popular thing for hams to do during World War II.

Cantenna Kit All Included for Outdoor Signal Booster Reception up to 3 miles NEW

Your looking at a long range Wi-Fi 14.3dBi Yagi Cantenna kit compatible with famous Alfa 1000mW AWUSO36H on the 2.4Ghz frequency. This kit is meant to mount outside on a pole or mast and works by receiving signals up to 3 miles away with a 36 degree directional reception cone. NOTE: To reach 3 miles of reception it is important to place the antenna as high as possible in order to clear any obstructions like trees or houses. The antenna is USA made on our factory floor with precision stamped metal elements inside the tube housing. The housing will withstand years of use in the elements of wind and cold. It comes fitted with an N-Type Female connector ready to accept N male connectors to bring the signal down to your USB adapter. The Alfa with this kit is based on the Realtek 8187L Chipset compatible with all operating software (except Lion). Plug and play with Linux means no software is needed but for other OS users of Windows and Mac a cd is included (except Lion for Mac). The adapter will connect to 802.11bg networks at 1000mW of power. For a white Yagi Cantenna kit start HERE!
WHATS IN THE BOX? 14dBi Yagi Cantenna with an N-type Female Connector, 60ft LMR 400 Cable SMArp, Alfa 1000mW USB adapter, mounting hardware and FULL CUSTOMER & TECH SUPPORT

Kaspersky KIS1203121 Internet Security Home Edition 2012 Software - US Edition, 3-Desktop, 1 year Comm.Lic.+Maint. Box

Kaspersky KIS1203121 Internet Security Home Edition 2012 Software
Protect your system against damaging security threats with the Kaspersky KIS1203121 Internet Security Home Edition 2012 Software. This reliable anti-virus software provides superb and rapid protection against viruses, malware, spyware, and many others. The Kaspersky KIS1203121 Internet Security Home Edition 2012 Software boasts a two-way firewall, cleverly implemented to keep hackers out. Promising secure online transactions, this software provides excellent protection whenever you go online. The Kaspersky KIS1203121 Internet Security Home Edition 2012 Software also does an instant safety check on files, applications and websites as soon as you access them.

What It Is And Why You Need It:
  • Two-way firewall; designed to keep hackers out of your network
  • Advanced identity theft and phishing protection; for reliable, worry-free online transactions
  • Instant safety check on files, applications and websites; provides an instant and proactive scan as soon as you access new content
  • 3 computers and 1 year Commercial license + maintenance license; provides protection for up to 3 computers

Additional Features:
  • Essential antivirus technologies plus additional layers of defense against hackers, spam, identity theft, and complex Internet threats
  • Hybrid Protection, combing the power of the cloud and your PC
  • Best-in-class, two-way firewall to keep hackers out
  • Rapid, real-time reaction to new threats
  • Proactive detection of unknown and emerging malware
  • Secure online banking and shopping
  • Advanced identity theft and phishihng protection
  • Secure social networking for you and your children
  • Instant safety check on files, applications and websites
  • Advanced parental controls to keep your children safe and responsible online

Trend Micro 8092591 Titanium Maximum Security Premium Edition Software

Trend Micro 8092591 Titanium Maximum Security Premium Edition Software
Because different threats are constantly proliferating online, the Trend Micro 8092591 Titanium Maximum Security Premium Edition Software is your ally from these digitally hazardous times. This software proactively protects you, your family, and your system from viruses, spyware, and other Internet threats. It stops hackers from accessing your personal data such as credit card numbers, passwords, email addresses, effectively safeguarding you from data thefts. With its parental control feature, you can monitor and limit your kids’ online activities and prevents them from logging into websites with inappropriate contents. And with its social networking security feature, it protects you from malicious links on Facebook and Twitter. Get the advanced security solution with the Trend Micro 8092591 Titanium Maximum Security Premium Edition Software. Buy it now!

What It Is And Why You Need It:
  • Security Premium Edition Software; provides all the tools you need to protect your digital life from viruses, spyware, and other Internet threats
  • Smart Protection Network; effectively stops Internet threats before they reach your computer
  • Data theft protection feature; prevents hackers from accessing your personal data such as credit card numbers, passwords, email addresses, etc.
  • Parental control feature; monitors and limits your kids’ online activity

Norton AntiVirus 2012 Software - With Anti-Spyware, 1 User

Norton AntiVirus 2012 Software
The Norton AntiVirus 2012 Software stays true to its title as the #1 most effective virus software in the industry. Featuring four layers of smart protection against viruses and spyware, the Norton AntiVirus 2012 Software offers the highest form of system security. This reliable anti-virus software proactively detects and eliminates viruses without slowing down your system. It intelligently scans new downloads, installations and other files to ensure that data entering the system is virus-free. This software features Insight, proactively checking where files originated and how long they've been there before they corrupt the system. In addition to stopping virus threats, this software also features Norton Management, allowing you to update, transfer or renew your Norton products over the Internet. Plus, the Bandwidth Management reduces overage fees by limiting non-critical Norton updates when you connect to 3G networks. The Norton AntiVirus 2012 Software optimizes the system security without any workflow interruptions.

What It Is And Why You Need It:
  • Norton Protection System; provides four layers of protection from online threats
  • Insight; quickly detects viruses and spywares by proactively checking file history
  • SONAR 4 Behavioral Protection; automatically monitors the system to stop malicious threats before they corrupt the system
  • Norton Management; a cloud based feature that lets you update, transfer, download, renew and install Norton products online

Free Gift: Total Defense Anti-Virus 6-month subscription with ARS software download

Total Defense Anti-Virus Software 
The Total Defense Anti-Virus Software brings professional-grade Internet security in an easy-to-use package. Designed specifically for home and home office users, the Total Defense Anti-Virus Software combines advanced anti-virus and anti-spyware protection. It offers increased detection of malware with cloud-based scanning, and automatic scanning of all downloads, ensuring infected files are quarantined before they can cause harm. The Total Defense Anti-Virus Software also helps you keep your PC, emails, music, photos, and documents free from virus and spyware infection. It offers continuous automatic updates, so you’re always protected against the latest threats. And a simplified user interface makes it even easier to use by grouping common functions into easy-to-understand sections.

Features and Benefits:
New! Cloud Defense Scanner
Increased detection of malware with cloud-based scanning, enabling checks against a significantly larger database of malware. Cloud scanning delivers a higher level of protection by having the pattern of your files compared against a trusted whitelist of known good files online.

New! Download Defender
Automatically scans all downloads ensuring infected files are quarantined before they can cause harm.

Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware
Prevents viruses, worms, rootkits, and Trojan horses from infecting your PC and protects you from existing and new spyware threats.

Continuous Updates
Keeps your PC protected against the latest threats by downloading malware signatures and feature updates. There’s no need to upgrade to a newer version of the program either; your protection is upgraded to the latest release as long as you have an active subscription. It’s seamless, automatic, and simple.

Informative Reports
Lets you monitor the status of your system by providing real-time reports that show user activity and system alerts.

Intuitive Help Desk
Gives you Fast Facts, Custom Support, and a Help Key that provides you with easy-to-understand information when you need it.

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Operating System Software - English, DVD

Easy To Use
  • Getting things done is easier.  With the new Taskbar and navigation features like Snap, it's easier to compare to windows side by side, and JumpLists put files you use often just two clicks aware.
  • Home Group makes it easy to create a home network and connect your PCs running Windows 7 to a printer.
Faster To Use
  • Find virtually anything on your PC - from documents to songs to email - just by typing a word or two with Windows Search
  • Windows 7 Ultimate takes full advantage of the latest 64-bit PCs.
* Requires download of Windows XP Mode (which runs on Windows 7 Ultimate), and virtualization technology such as Windows Virtual PC.  Windows 7 customers can download Windows XP Mode and Windows Virtual PC free-of-charge when available.
Windows 7 System Requirements
  • 1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor.
  • 1GB RAM (32-bit) or 2GB RAM (64-bit)
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64BIT Operating System Software - OEM DVD, English

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Operating System Software - DVD
With Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Operating System Software, you'll get the best entertainment experience on your PC! Windows 7 Home Premium makes it easy to create a home network and share all of your favorite photos, videos, and music. You can even watch, pause, and rewind TV or record it to watch whenever and wherever you want.* For the best entertainment experience on your PC, choose Windows 7 Home Premium.

Easy To Use
  • Getting things done is easier. With the new Taskbar and navigation features like Snap, it's easier to compare to windows side by side, and JumpLists put files you use often just two clicks away.
  • Home Group makes it easy to create a home network and connect your PCs running Windows 7 to a printer.
Faster To Use
  • Find virtually anything on your PC - from documents to songs to email - just by typing a word or two with Windows Search
  • Windows 7 Professional takes full advantage of the latest 64-bit PCs.
* Additional hardware may be required.
Windows 7 System Requirements
  • 1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor.
  • 1GB RAM (32-bit) or 2GB RAM (64-bit)
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64BIT Operating System Software - OEM DVD

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Operating System Software - DVD
With Microsoft Windows Professional 7 Operating System Software Professional, you'll be able to run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP mode* and recover your data easily with automatic back-ups to your home or business network. You'll be able to connect to company networks easily and more securely with Domain Join. And with entertainment features like Windows Media Center, it's great for home as well as for business.

Easy To Use
  • Getting things done is easier.  With the new Taskbar and navigation features like Snap, it's easier to compare to windows side by side, and JumpLists put files you use often just two clicks aware.
  • Home Group makes it easy to create a home network and connect your PCs running Windows 7 to a printer.
Faster To Use
  • Find virtually anything on your PC - from documents to songs to email - just by typing a word or two with Windows Search
  • Windows 7 Professional takes full advantage of the latest 64-bit PCs.
* Requires download of Windows XP Mode (which runs on Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate), and virtualization technology such as Windows Virtual PC.  Windows 7 customers can download Windows XP Mode and Windows Virtual PC free-of-charge when available.
Windows 7 System Requirements
  • 1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor.
  • 1GB RAM (32-bit) or 2GB RAM (64-bit)
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.
Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor can help you determine which features and editions of Windows 7 will run on your computer.  Visit when available.